Formation and Other Opportunities

Adult Formation

Adult Formation happens in many ways at St. Christopher’s. We have in-person gatherings and online gatherings to study the Bible and various books and a Sunday morning conversation with the preacher to explore how the Gospel speaks to our daily lives.

Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer, a form of mindfulness meditation, meets weekly to support each other in this meditation practice.

Newcomers are encouraged to come a few minutes early for an introduction and to answer any questions.

For Children

Children of all ages are welcome in worship and included in our 10:30a.m. service through an interactive children’s sermon and materials for children to work with during the service related to that day’s lessons.

A kids’ soft space in the church allows young ones to be part of the service even as they quietly work and move.

Junior Youth Group

Upward Bound! Our junior youth group is for youth ages 8 to 12 years old. We meet monthly for lunch, a chance to learn more about our faith and to make and do things that help others.

We have volunteered at the non-profit ECHO, made cards for home-bound parishioners, made a meal for the hypothermia shelter and worked to support our Audubon habitat.

Shrine Mont

A place apart in the mountains of Virginia, Shrine Mont is owned by the Diocese of Virginia, where we have the opportunity to gather one weekend a year for a time of rest and fellowship and reflection.

The Trivial Pursuit and puzzle teams are favorites, as are hiking and worshipping Sunday morning outside at the Shrine.

All ages are encouraged and welcomed!

Shrine Mont also has wonderful summer experiences for kids. Talk to Rev. Carey if you are interested in scholarship information.